
Showing posts from June, 2020

Arizona home for southwestern semi-final SSD competition

The International Space Settlement DesignCompetition (ISSDC) has come a long way since its inception in the early 1980s as part of a Boy Scouts program in the US. What started off as a space exploratory program for high-school students in the US, is now a full-fledged global competition with participating students from India, the UK, Australia, Canada and even some places from South America. Now, there are multiple semi-finals in the US itself to give US high-school students a better platform to compete in the global ISSDC finals at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. One of such semi-finals is the Southwestern Semi-final SSD competition , which takes place in Arizona. The competition follows the same pattern as is followed elsewhere. Students conceptualize and design a futuristic space settlement in accordance with certain specified parameters. The winning team proceeds through to the quarterfinals, the semi-finals and the finals at the ISSDC where it is pitted ag...